The amazing story of Jaś, Franek and Ewa, is the story of a family that moves, touches the heart and brings strong emotions, but above all, it is a beautiful story about life, struggle and the power of love. This is an ordinary, but at the same time, very unusual family. Today we will tell you the story of Franek and ask you for help with all of our hearts.
Franek was the second child and one that the family had longed for. The parents took a long time with their decision to have him because of the late diagnosis of a genetic disease (galactosemia) in their first-born child Ewa. It was inappropriate medical treatment given in the first weeks of her life that led to the her disability. However, love and happiness prevailed and Franek was born, which made the parents very happy. They had the belief that they would have a healthy baby.
All of the tests performed during the pregnancy gave satisfactory results but boy was born without his right forearm. The shock and pain led to Franek’s mother crying for a month, asking “Why?”. Franek just smiled. From the beginning, he’s been brave, cheerful and seemingly far away from his disability. He’s a wonderful boy who teaches adults a lesson in how not to give up and how to enjoy every moment of every day.
The family was really not ready for another child afflicted with disease but the daily toil began and the problems started piling up. The nurseries wouldn’t accept Franek and the reason given from place to place was that he had no arm. Even the carers gave up, so his mother decided to give up her job and to take care of the him. The parent’s fight to give their child a dignified life continued. After two years, Franek’s parents made an attempt to provide him with a prosthesis. They went to Finland on a fully private basis but didn’t let the expense bother them because, after all, Franek was what mattered most. To this day Franek’s mother, Agnieszka, speaks emotionally of how this small, then two-year boy underwent many tests with great patience, having awkward measurements made regularly.
He wanted to be like the other children but, unfortunately, the prosthesis was too heavy and Franek did not want to wear it. No pressure was put on him to wear it, though, even if those trips to Finland had been costly and difficult. They didn’t want to force Franek to do anything he didn’t want to.
At the age of three, Franek was admitted to an integration kindergarten. His innate serenity was conducive to establishing relationships with his peers. He got along well and became more and more independent. Fortunately, his physical disability didn’t mean that he was excluded from taking part in games, which in kindergarten are so important to a child’s development. Franek was developing well. A smart, intelligent boy with a curiosity for the world. His disability was accepted by the other children in the group too. Franek never felt bad and had no complex about the differences that could have emerged in relations between a disabled child and non-disabled peers. His parents had always ensured that their son had contact with other children, something beneficial for him.
When Franek was four he began learning to play chess, not long before he started going to school. He enjoys it too. Franek starts school life with an increasing level of independence and has no problems with learning. The reaction of his peers to his disability is no longer surprising to him. He patiently responds to questions asked by his colleagues, even if that can sometimes be upsetting for him.
Again, fate dealt Franek a bad hand. After a while in school Franek started to lose weight and was looking bad. After a long stay in hospital and numerous tests, the results left no illusions. He was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. How much more could this little boy stand? His strong bond with his family allowed him to pull through the toughest moments in hospital.
He was tired of the constant examinations and longed for his loved ones and friends. His return to school was one of enthusiasm with the same will to explore the world and, again, he distanced himself from his condition. He set out to catch up on what he’d missed with a smile on his face. The biggest joy for Franek though, was the return to normality, conversations and activities with his peers.
He knows a lot about about his condition and he is a very responsible patient. He began to learn about his body and respond appropriately to the signals that it sent to him. In one normal, he would have to monitor his blood sugar level between 8 and 10 times.
The importance of this is simple. Over 170mg/dl could lead to blindness, damaged kidneys and nervous system. Franek’s blood sugar level fluctuates dangerously and sometimes exceeds 300 mg/dl. The need to change his doctor became apparent because of the lack of specialists in his hometown. His parents decided that Franek would be treated at the Child Health Center in Warsaw. His mother Agnieszka, had returned to work but was forced to give it up again.
Taking care of Franek 24h a day is exhausting. Preparing properly balanced meals (six daily) and converting units of insulin are not a simple tasks with virtually no margin for error. The additional high cost of treatment which is another burden, is not refunded. Franek’s teachers and peers were informed about the disease. Now, they know what kind of disease he is struggling with and how to react if he collapses.
Franek’s tale of woe should really end here. Unfortunately, it does not. Franek suddenly began to grow rapidly. The diagnosis: a tumor of the hypothalamus in the brain. Treatment is in progress already and it’s tough due to the nagging MR, fear and pharmacological treatment. After all, Franek is trying to live a normal life. He has his passions and favorite sports.
Tomasz, his father, infected him with a love for the history of World War II. Arcade and strategy computer games have become a kind of compensation for his frequent hospital stays. Franek shows his strength again here. With one hand he reaches level MG2. Although he keeps it a secret, we know that he wants to be a steamer just like Izakoo.TV.
An ordinary family with ordinary parents. Their great love for their children, their wisdom and their enormous sensitivity inspires our admiration and is undeniably very moving. The boy’s parents Agnieszka and Tomasz have tried to fend for themselves for a long time. Today, however, knowing that there is no other way, they are asking you for help. There is also Jaś, the youngest of the siblings. Only specialized treatment and rehabilitation can bring hope that he will get stronger, tougher and that he will live…
Dear Donor,
You give them hope every day. The world has a warmer color with you. You allow our children to smile, play, learn and live. There are no words that express what we feel as parents and we appreciate all of the help and strength we get from you. There are no words that could express our gratitude for your generosity. We deeply believe that you are with us all the time. Please help our children.
EDIT: Jaś zmarł 12.08.2022 roku